كتاب The Grownup’s Mystery لغز الكبار

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كتاب The Grownup’s Mystery لغز الكبار بقلم عبير بلان يريد زين أن يعرف ماذا يفعل الكبار بعدما ينام الصغار؟ يقررأن يتحرى عن ذلك مع إخوته الصغار. ولكن كل مرة يفكر فيأمر قد يحل لغزه، يكتشف أنه مخطئ. اقرأ هذا الكتاب المشوّقكي تكتشف ماذا يفعل الكبار حين يذهب الصغار إلى النوم.Zein can’t sleep because of a question

 on his mind. He wants to understand what grownups do when children go to bed. He leads an investigation with his siblings and executes various search plans to solve this mystery. What they believe grownups do never seems to be what they normally do and that disappoints the children very much. The Grownup’s Mystery is a humorous detective story demonstrating that children imagine missing out on their parent’s events at night while in reality grownups do mundane and uneventful activities after children go to sleep.

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