The Case Of Israel

Roger Garaudy

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The Case Of Israel: A Study Of Political Zionism by Roger Garaudy Roger Garaudy was born in Marseilles in 1913. He joined the French army in 1939 but in 1940 he was detained in a Vichy concentration camp in Algeria until his release in 1943. Elected

 to the National Assembly in 1945, he later served as Deputy Speaker and Senator. Since 1962 he has devoted himself to university teaching and his writings on political theory and the philosophy of civilizations. For many years one of France's leading Marxist theoreticians, he has become increasingly attracted by Islamic teachings and civilization, and in 1982 became a Muslim.In this study, which is equally critical of anti-semitism and political Zionism, he considers the fundamental problems presented by the policies of the State of Israel. He examines the questions of historical continuity between the Biblical Land of Israel and the present Zionist state and he considers the claim of the Zionists that God's "promise" to Abraham implies their divine right over Palestine. This leads him to an analysis of the Zionist basis of Israel's domestic and foreign policies and he concludes with a constructive proposal for peace in the Middle East based on all UN resolutions, including the original 1947 decision on the partition of Palestine, to be internationally guaranteed.

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